Qi Gong Class Schedules
Truly, I hope you are well. In harmony with the natural energies of the seasons I continue to host Qigong practices weekly. Please make sure you’re on my current mailing list to stay up-to-date. (denise.qigong@gmail.com). Feel free to contact me with questions!
- Practice is every Thursday at the Scotts Valley Community Center (backyard)
- 10:30 – 11:30 including a brief meditation
- Location is 360 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley (near Skypark)
- Practice is generally outdoors please dress accordingly
- Consider bringing a lawn chair for the seated meditation
- All are welcome
- Sliding Scale Fee $5 – $10 / class
What’s Qi Gong?
Qi Gong (pronounced chee-gung) is mindful movement and breath. Similar to Tai Chi, Qi Gong (also spelled Chi Gong) is an ancient Chinese practice evolved from intimate observations of nature and based on principles and philosophies around living in harmony with its natural rhythms and phases. Known for its many mental and physical health benefits, this ancient practice is enjoying an awakening in modern cultures.
My Qi Gong classes are appropriate for beginners and experienced participants. Combining simple, gentle movements with deep breathing routines, students practice techniques to enliven the body and calm the mind. Classes include around 30 minutes of no-impact movement and a short meditation. Reported benefits include improvements in circulation, balance, and flexibility, lower stress, and better sleep. Students generally stand during class and can also participate seated.
All are welcome. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. To ensure you know when there are changes in the schedule, please check this Website and join my mailing list. We would love to have you join us!